
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hi Friends!

Today we are linking up with Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade for Show & Tell Tuesday....on a Wednesday!  Oops, sorry we are late to the party.  :)
In our little third grade world, we do a combination of traditional Reading Workshop and Daily Five.  We have 2.5 hours each morning for Language Arts.  This includes Morning Meeting, Morning Work, Phonics/Spelling, Reading & Writing Workshop, Grammar, & Cursive.  It's a major time crunch.  We try to pack as much "bang for our buck" during Reading Workshop.

Here is how it works:

Our students rotate through 3 stations: Guided Reading with a Teacher, Assignment/Activity/Craftivity about the day's guided reading lesson, Centers/Free Choice.  We rotate every 25 minutes.

We use novel packets for each guided reading group that coincide with our basal series, Open Court.  Typically, we have comprehension questions for each chapter followed by a reading response activity like cause and effect or main idea/details.  On a good day during Guided Reading we can collect some data (running record or informal assessment) and teach a new skill.  Now, that's on a good day!  Not every day, but we try.

After Guided Reading, the students return to their seats and complete the activity.  Usually, they will finish the comprehension questions and reading response activity.

This is an example of a guided reading assignment.

Then, they move to the last rotation.  The kids LOVE free choice and centers.  Usually, we have a game ready for them to play.  You can download the one we used today here for free!  It's contraction memory.

Here is a picture of another one we did yesterday.  We had been talking about main idea and details in guided reading, so we had the kids read a Cupid article and complete a main idea and details activity guessed it... HEARTS!

Thanks for reading!  We got a few ideas for our next novel from this linky.  Thanks!!


  1. Where did you find a leveled Cupid article?

  2. We found it on a site called
    (we searched Google for the Legend of Cupid for kids)
    It was just a little write up. We took out a few words, like lust and desire. It was just a simple 2 paragraphs. Hope that helps.
