
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Guided Reading 101 Linky

Hey Friends!

Today we are linking up with Jivey.  We love her and her blog!  How awesome is Workshop Wednesday?  Sorry we are late to the party.  We are still very new to the blog thing.  Check out Jivey's Tech Tips.  Boy, did we learn a lot!  Thanks, Jivey!!  I only wish we saw those sooner!

We thought we would share a few of our tips for implementing guided reading in third grade.  Disclaimer:  we are *not* experts.  We are still learning!  Most of what we do comes from watching master teachers over the years, reading books, and attending conferences.  We both love Regie Routman, The Sisters, Debbie Diller, and, of course, the ultimate gurus.... Fountas and Pinnell.  If yall haven't read their books, we highly recommend them.

Reading Workshop is my absolute favorite part of the day.  Although I fake it sometimes and say math, writing, or history...I'm telling a little white lie.  Honestly, I love gathering my kiddos around that kidney shaped table.  There is something magical about kids BEGGING to dive into a good book.  We have a few non-negotiables for how we make the most out of our time with the kiddos:

  • Guided Reading is about guiding your readers.  Let's face it, no one enjoys the formal assessment part.  I've never seen a teacher skip down the hallway saying, "Yippee, it's DRA day!"  But we do it so we can find that "sweet spot" where your reader is challenged and supported at the same time.  The text can't be too easy or too hard.
  • Plan, plan, plan, and then plan again.  Guided reading flops for me without a plan.  I just can't wing it.  Wing a read aloud?  Sure.  Wing a worksheet?  All day long.  But guided reading?  I just can't.   It is the perfect opportunity to teach reading skills explicitly.  

  • Stick to a format: review/preview, introduce vocab, set a purpose for the session, students read, circle back and discuss the purpose, and/or teach a new skill.  Done and done!  If we can get that accomplished in 25 minutes, I consider it a win for the day.  
Emily and I have made guided reading packets for all of the novels we have read this year.  If you want to check one The Littles Go Exploring (HERE).  It's free :)  Who doesn't love a freebie?!

Each chapter includes re-tell questions followed by a creative reading response activity.  We like to incorporate comprehension questions using Blooms Taxonomy, but then we all need to have a little fun.  :)  Right?    

We have novel units for the Sophie Series, Ralph S. Mouse, Fudge-A-Mania, Frindle, A to Z Mysteries, Dragons of Blueland, Ramona and her Father, Cricket in Times Square, The Indian in the Cupboard, Flat Stanley, and Shiloh.  We are almost finished with Charlotte's Web, My Father's Dragon, and Bunnicula. 

That's it in a nutshell. We are still working on the right way to keep anecdotal notes on the students, so we will post later when we figure it out!!  Thank you so much for all of the tips from this linky.  Great stuff, yall!  Thanks for reading.


  1. Thanks for linking up!! What, you don't get excited on DRA day?! ;-) hee hee
    ideas by jivey

  2. Just found your blog through the linky party- I too LOVE teaching reading. It's so exciting when the kids are just as into something as you are- and that's definitely possible when you've found the right book!

    I see you've done a post about fractions too- I'm off to check that out now

    From your latest follower
    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem
