
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Two for Tuesday...Tried It!

Well I am updating my Tried It Tuesday from last week and showing you my masterpiece!   Last week I showed you the beginning stages of my mug from my pottery class in the mountains.  Well, today I will show you the final product.  I am super pumped and proud. Not to brag or anything, but it turned out pretty cool.  Here is the final stage before glazing and the final spa treatment.

Then after glazing, it turned out like this....
I really am impressed and kinda want to make another.   Guess I'll have to wait till next summer!

My next little bit I wanted to share was a chore chart for my kiddos.  I needed something for motivation and needed some order in my house.  It was possible that if I didn't have some order, I might go insane bonkers.  Some days I think it is way easier to have 15 3rd graders then 3 kids under the age of 10.

The first thing I did was create this chart with pictures so Big G would know what he was responsible for. Then I bought one of those $1 certificate frames from the Dollar Store (love that place!), added some Velcro and..... tada....hung it on the fridge.  Our deal is that he needs to complete all of the chores every day to be able to get a prize at the end of the week. I know what you are saying... Wow, she's a tough one, but really I don't ask for long as the covers are sorta pulled up, I say way to go!

He loves to give himself checks and really gets excited about doing his chores.  For my big girl it is the same, just minus the pictures since she is 10.  I added one house chore that we decide on each week. 

I have seen all these great ideas on Pinterest on how to make my children perfect, so I said what the heck, I'll give it a try.  Not quite perfect and I am still doing laundry, dishes, and vacuuming...but hey there's always next summer!!!!

Here is a copy of the chore chart in case you need one!


  1. Beautiful mug! You must be proud that it turned out so nice.
    Grade 4 Buzz

  2. I love your mug!! I started charts in my house last week with my six and three year olds. It has made such a difference! we have more behaviors on there though like no tattling, sharing toys, getting dressed without whining, good table manners, good bath time, etc. They actually both just made their first goal and were able to choose a toy from the store today! I totally hear you that some days (most days for me!) it IS way easier to have a room full of students than being a stay at home mommy. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper
